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Social Account Discovery White Paper

Report by Sujata Ramnarayan, Ph.D., Former Gartner Analyst and Acclaimed Author

Finding Your Brand's Social Infrastructure

How to Manage Social Account Sprawl; Identify & Remove Fraudulent Accounts

The average enterprise has more than 300 social media accounts across Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, Pinterest, and the other leading social networks.

The social web has unquestionably emerged as a core communication and engagement channel for businesses. However, identifying and managing so many social accounts can be a tremendous challenge, and failing to do so leaves real business opportunity on the table, introduces risk, and increases costs for organizations.

Unmanaged account proliferation is a core business and marketing challenge; after all, you can’t manage, measure, and protect an account if you don't know it exists.

This paper describes the need for social account discovery, including:

  • The growing challenge of social account sprawl,
  • How to identify and audit your brand's accounts,
  • Examples of social account sprawl among several big brands,
  • Steps to discover your brand's accounts and increase the ROI of your social media.
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