
Digital Risk Protection

6 Tips to Prevent Hashtag Hijacking

As a brand savvy company, you’ve built a strong social media presence and have used hashtags to help spread awareness about your brand.

But what you might not know is that your hashtag is exposed to fraudsters and anyone incentivized to do harm to your brand.

Sometimes, it’s an unhappy customer who uses the brand-specific hashtag to air grievances. Other times, bad actors use your hashtag to dupe your fans and followers with malware and phishing attacks. Social media phishing links grew 70%, and fake customer-support accounts used for phishing jumped 300% from Q1-to-Q2 in 2017.

Download our Hashtag Hijacking Tipsheet to better prepare your team about the risks of hashtag hijacking on social media.

Fill out the form below to download our hashtag hijacking tipsheet!

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