NFT, WEB3 and the Metaverse

Zoom | Friday, October 13, 2023 | 11:00AM-12:00PM ET

Join Proofpoint Resident CISO, Financial Services, John Checco, and your fellow CISOs for an interactive conversation that explores the landscape of digital assets and emerging technologies.

With the advent of ChatGPT, OpenAI, and LLMs, has the financial services industry lost interest in NFTs, WEB3, and the Metaverse? Actually, the opposite is true.

In this session, we’ll discuss:

  • How cryptocurrency exchanges such as Coinbase, and payment platforms such as PayPal, are embracing WEB3 as the communication platform of the future
  • How auction houses are parlaying their profits from NFTs with NFT-centric marketplaces like OpenSea
  • How the Metaverses remains a disruptive force in the financial digitalization realm with companies like Netmarble

Featured Speaker

John Checco
John Checco | Resident CISO, Financial Services, Proofpoint, Inc.

John C. Checco is an information security professional providing subject matter expertise across various industries. He is currently a leader for the CISO Advisory Board on Financial Services for Proofpoint and President Emeritus of the New York Metro InfraGard Members Alliance (an FBI public/private partnership program). Checco has been an active contributor to the Strategic Advisory and Content Committee of the WSTA (Wall Street Technology Association) since 1997, active in InfraGard’s New York Metro Chapter since 2003. He is also a member of several other security organizations (ASIS, ISSA, IASCP, ISC2 and OWASP), and co-founder and co-chair of the New York Metro Joint Cyber Security Conference and Workshop series since 2014. Prior to his current role, Checco served in an executive capacity with Bank of America’s Global Information Security Innovation Group and as Senior Information Security and Risk Advisor for Bloomberg L.P. He is founder of Checco Services Inc., an information security consulting firm that patented the award-winning bioChec™️ keystroke and gesture biometric technologies.

Who Should Attend

By Invitation Only. This event is suitable for information security decision makers (CXO, VP of IT) who oversee security measures in an organization. This event is not open to channel or technology partners.

NOTE: Registration requires a valid email address from your organization’s domain, so Gmail, Hotmail, AOL, Yahoo or any other ISP are not accepted.